Sprained disc

February 4, 2009

Saw me physio this morning. I’ve strained a disc in my back. He’s given me some more ab statics to do, bridges, and some birddogs: nuteral spine, high chest, opposite arm up recuriting the lats. Drawing out a box with leg opposite leg. I can still do straight line running, and straight weights in the gym. 10 day stand, another crap start to the season.

Ok, so I injured my back just under 2 weeks ago playing touch.. My hammys were quite tight leading into the game. I ended up spraining a ligament in my back while dumping the ball. Anyway my lovely physio told me to take 10 days off to let the sprain settle. I told him about my tight hammys. He tested me and found that I was majory hamstring dominant, and that I don’t use my glutes whatsoever. He gave me some bridges to do to light my glutes up and to make me start using them again..

The problem is, after a couple of hours after every rugby trainging, my hammys are tight as, and I get some pretty bad back pain. I did a little research in on the web and found Lordosis.. I’ve actually noticed that my spine does sit a bit like that (just have to look at this photo). I also have all the symptoms stated in that article. Anyway, i’ve decided to try doing all the exercises and stretches every morning.. id give anything to get rid of this back pain! Also gonna buy a foam roller for SMR and might book a massage sess in the morning if my back is still buggered :S

It’s not a good sign when you wake up during the night due to pain. Im currently icing my lower back to try slow any swelling (also popped a voltaren from my med stash), but mostly to `numb the pain.`

I think i’ve pulled my rhs groin & glute. I had a very tight lower back today at the end of my last touch game. Now that i’ve woken up the tightness has turned into pain in my lower back, rhs groin, and tightness in rhs glute. I only have myself to blame though as I had a pretty dismal attempt at stretching tonight (a little bit after my 1st game of touch, but none directly before that or my last game). I also didnt stretch last night after indoor netball or when I woke up this morning. So from now on im going to allow myself time, and physically plan stretching sessions. This is a major setback, right in the middle of pre-season when im fit and leading up to playing sevens mid Feb. I’ll book physio early this morning but they will no doubt be booked up the coming week!

So for the moment it looks like i’ll have to put my new gym routine to rest, along with any other sport and fitness. \tear

Good night chums.